Monday, 14 December 2009
It's a Party!
Well done to Year 1 and Year 2 for a wondeful Nativity performance of "It's a Party!" on Monday 14th December. The children told the story of Christmas and the singing was beautiful. All the children worked hard to learn all their lines and the words to the songs and we are very proud of them. Thank you to all the family and friends who were able to attend this performance.
Christmas Concerts
Last week Year 3 and Year 4 performed a "Gospel Christmas" at St Cedd's to parents and friends of St Aidan's. On Friday 11th Year 5 and Year 6 performed their Christmas Concert at St Teresa's. All the children sung wonderfully and were a credit to the school. Thank you to all the family and friends who were able to come and join with these celebrations.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Brentwood Concert
Gospel Christmas
On Friday, 4th December 34 children were involved in the performance with 500 other children at the Brentwood Centre. Mrs Brown, Mrs Mackie, Mrs Boland and Miss Gordon accompanied them and were amazed by their performance. The children sang "Over the Hills" and "Gospel Christmas". Morgan was chosen out of 13 other children from other schools to sing "Silent Night" in front of an audience of 1500. Thanks goes out to Mrs Mackie for organising this special occasion for the children. The children were a credit to the school.
Friday, 4 December 2009
Sleeping Beauty
Today Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 were treated to a morning at the theatre. The Rainbow Theatre performed, "Sleeping Beauty".
When we went there were Year 1 and Year 2 children acting as well. It was really nice to see this to celebrate this time of Christmas. The Princess looked beautiful. She wore a lovely pink dress. There was a horrible witch who was trying to destroy the Princess. But a handsome Prince came to the palace and he rescued the princess and they lived happily ever after. We had a great time!
from the children of Year 2

When we went there were Year 1 and Year 2 children acting as well. It was really nice to see this to celebrate this time of Christmas. The Princess looked beautiful. She wore a lovely pink dress. There was a horrible witch who was trying to destroy the Princess. But a handsome Prince came to the palace and he rescued the princess and they lived happily ever after. We had a great time!
from the children of Year 2
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Concert Recital
St Aidan's Netball Team
Well done to St Aidan's Netball Team who played their first match against St Augustine's Catholic Primary School on Tuesday 24th November. The girls played extremely well and won 6 - 0. The player of the match was Eboni. Miss Dodd and Mrs Rockall would like to thank all the parents who came along to support the team. The next match is on Tuesday 8th December.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Blue for Peace
On Friday 20th November we all dressed in Blue as a symbol of peace and reconciliation during Anti Bullying Week. During this special week we have written poems and designed Stop Bullying Posters. We talked about how we treat others and the importance of speaking to someone we trust if we are worried about something.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Year 6 Trip to Kingswood
The Year 6 children set off yesterday to Kingswood. Click on the Year 6 blog site for photographs and updates of their trip.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Skipping Workshop
It is Physical Week at St Aidan's and as part of this special week we were visited by Skipping Workshop. Some of the Year 6 children worked on their skipping skills in the afternoon and then showcased their talents to the rest of the school. The children were amazing. See the photographs of the performances.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
House Forum
Once a week the children from each house, St Peter's, St Paul's, St Cedd's and St Teresa's meet to discuss current school issues. The forums are lead by the House Captain and Sports Captain. Each member of the house has the opportunity to voice their opinions on relevant matters.
This week the motion was:
As A Healthy School we want to encourage Healthy Eating. Should we celebrate Birthdays by bringing in sweets?
After much discussion each house has agreed with the motion although many suggested we could think about healthy treats as an alternative. Well done to our House Leaders.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Adventure island!!!
Adventure island was one of the best trips that y6 went to, there were loads of amazing rides there like the Tidal wave or Vortex and Rage. year 6 had a fantastic time there we all really enjoyed it there.
by Julius and Matuesz
by Julius and Matuesz
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Year 6 Production
On Friday 10th July, Year 6 performed "Joseph". It was an amazing production with fantastic acting and singing. The Year 6 children obviously enjoyed themselves and the rest of the school thoroughly enjoyed the performance. Well done to all their hardwork and to the help of Mrs Cargill, Mr Faria, Mr Walder and Mrs Garvin.
Friday, 10 July 2009
On Thursday the 9th July we had our school sports day. We all had a great day and everyone participated in the day. Everyone had a great day and some of the teachers were having so much fun they joined in with the fun. A big thank you to all the parents and teachers who walked us to Cricklefields. A special thank you to Miss Jackson for organising the day.
By Cameron and Sam. 5n.
By Cameron and Sam. 5n.
Monday, 8 June 2009
Hola Week!
The week before Half Term, the children learnt all about various Spanish speaking countries. They have looked at the art, dance, food, language and culture of each country. On Monday the children had the chance to join in with Spanish dance and learn about the message behind Flamenco.
We have had visitors in school helping the children to have first hand experience of the language spoken and lifestyles lived throughout the whole world and I would like to thank them all for their time they have given to our school.
Our Year 6 children visited the Tate Modern art gallery and looked at a variety of Spanish speaking painters. The Year 4 children visited La Tasca.
Miss Dodd
We have had visitors in school helping the children to have first hand experience of the language spoken and lifestyles lived throughout the whole world and I would like to thank them all for their time they have given to our school.
Our Year 6 children visited the Tate Modern art gallery and looked at a variety of Spanish speaking painters. The Year 4 children visited La Tasca.
Miss Dodd
Maths Weeks!
Today marked the start to Maths Week and what a start we had! To introduce the week we were visited by Bubbles the Clown. She taught us that Numeracy can be fun. She even tried to make a bubble with Miss Lawford inside it!!
Remember it had 8 faces and 12 edges.

Can you remember what a Clown's metre is?
Can you remember what a Clown's metre is?
Monday, 1 June 2009
Thursday, 23 April 2009
St George's Day
Today we all dresed up in red and white to celebrate St. George's day. Every one participated in the great day. Thanks to all the teachers who organised the day.
By Cameron Roberts 5n.
By Cameron Roberts 5n.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Here Comes the Sun!
Welcome back to a new term! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are now rested for a busy Summer Term. The teachers have a lot planned so we are sure you will be very busy.
Year 3 went on their school trip today to Epping Forest. They had a wonderful time and Miss Dodd and Miss Jackson said the children were a credit to St Aidan's.
Make sure you catch up with events through the school website, and of course the year group blogs.
Year 3 went on their school trip today to Epping Forest. They had a wonderful time and Miss Dodd and Miss Jackson said the children were a credit to St Aidan's.
Make sure you catch up with events through the school website, and of course the year group blogs.
Monday, 30 March 2009
Marie Curie Cancer Care
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Dance Festival
On Monday 23rd March St Aidan's Afro Fusion Dance Club represented the school by attending the School Sports Partnership Dance Festival. They all had a great time and received a first place certificate. Well done everyone!
Peach will be updating the blog tomorrow with more information about the event.
Friday, 20 March 2009
Friday, 13 March 2009
Thank you for all your support today. You all looked wonderful dressed in Green and what fun we had releasing our balloons. Thank you to Mrs Roca-Mas for organising this special event for Cafod. Thanks also to Miss Flood, Mrs Smith and Mrs Razin, and all the children who helped tie all those balloons!
First we gathered in the Infant playground carrying our balloons. As you can tell Mrs Gannon was abit nervous videoing the event.
First we gathered in the Infant playground carrying our balloons. As you can tell Mrs Gannon was abit nervous videoing the event.
Everyone was getting very excited.
Mrs Roca-Mas then counted down from 10. We raised our balloons and let go. It was brilliant to see all the balloons slowly rise up.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Remember to wear green for Cafod on Friday 13 March 2009
Please bring £1 and we will be having our balloon release tomorrow morning
Photographs will be put on the blog.
Please bring £1 and we will be having our balloon release tomorrow morning
Photographs will be put on the blog.
Thursday, 5 March 2009

Today we all dressed up as our favourite book characters. Here's Mrs Bentham, or should I say Snow White - but where are her 7 Dwarfs? The children had a wonderful day, and so did the staff. We had a Treasure Hunt with clues for a famous book and a book swap in the Library. Today is the last day of the Book Fair so if you haven't spent your book token yet remember you can go to any good book shop and use it there.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
World Book Week
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Friday, 27 February 2009
St Aidan's Football Team
We played against Highland Primary School on Thursday 26th February. They beat us by 9/0.We played very well but they won. This was only our second game but we played well together as a team.
Lewis scored for ST.AIDANS.
by Isaac 5D
Friday, 20 February 2009
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