Monday, 28 June 2010

St Aidan's Football Team

Well done to all the players of St Aidan's Football Team who won the Primary Sports Team of the Year. The children were awarded this prestige trophy in our school assembly today. They have worked so hard throughout the year and their hardwork has been recognised in this award. A big thank you to Mr Wade and Mr Kasparis.

Maths Day

Mrs Cargill organised a fantastic Maths Day last week. The children took part in lots of different activities, the Nintendo Challenge, a Maths Trail around the school and the Year 6 children taught the Year 1 and Year 2 children some maths games.

Today Mrs Cargill handed out prizes to the children who won the different challenges. Well done to the winners and everyone who took part.

The NED Show

Amanda from The NED Show came in today to show the children her yoyo tricks. She was amazing and told a very funny story about Ned's adventures. It was a great show because the children were able to see with a bit of practise you can perform stunning yoyo moves.

Ned and Amanda also told us that with practise and encouragement you can be a Champion.

Remember NED means -

Never Give Up

Encourage Others
Do your Best!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Dee from St Francis Hospice

St Peter's House invited Dee from St Francis Hospice to talk to the children about all the wonderful work the Hospice does for people and families suffering with cancer. Dee explained all the support which the Hospice offers and how they help families deal with difficult and sad situations.

St Peter's House have organised a fundraising day on Friday 18th June. They have asked all the children to dress in non-school uniform. As a way of celebrating the Football World Cup, the children are allowed to dress in the colours of the team they are supporting. All monies raised will be donated to St Francis Hospice. The children are asked to donated £1.00 towards the supported charity.

Our Hero!

On Friday the 29th I went to Brentwood Cathedral to receive Young Citizenship Award. The award is presented to children who show true courage and determination. The award was presented by Bishop Thomas.

I received this award for pulling my friend, Naran 5 from the icy lake in Valantines Park. From my experience I advise that everyone stays away from lakes and rivers.

I feel very privileged to recive this award, and thank Mrs Brown and all the staff for supporting and nominating me.

Remember anyone in the school could be nominated for this special award next year.